Venues of MusicFest Perugia
Basilica di San Pietro
The famed Basilica di San Pietro in Perugia carries over 1,000 years of history with it. It houses one of the most important collections of art in Umbria, featuring paintings by Vassilacchi, Vasari, Perugino, Caravaggio and several others. As an outstanding concert venue, the Basilica has not gone unnoticed. Karajan conducted and recorded several concerts there, remarking on the strength of the acoustics. Maria Callas has also performed in this ‘very beautiful church’.

Sala dei Notari
The fresco-laden Sala dei Notari in Palazzo dei Priori served as a Town Council Hall for several centuries, it is now a popular venue for classical music, having featured Michel-Angelo Benedetti, Pollini, Uto Ugghi and other great soloists. Ideally located in Piazza IV Novembre, it is easily reached from anywhere in the city’s center.

Teatro Morlacchi
The jewel teatro of Perugia inaugurated in 1781 and named after Perugia composer Francesco Morlacchi. Hosted all major orchestras of the world. Music Fest Perugia had its debut there July 19, 2013 with "Una Serata Italiana.

Teatro Pavone
The Theatre of Pavone was built between 1718 and 1723 by a group of nobles from Perugia who felt the need for a more suitable and wide place for shows than those already present in the city. In 1772 the painter Francesco Appiani of Ancona painted on the curtain “Turrena in place to admire the triumph of the goddess Giunone,” which in ancient times was consecrated to the gods as animal symbol the pavone (peacock) , which then gave its name to the theatre Pavone witnessed some of the greatest singers and actors in the history of Italian artistic events including Eleonora Duse, Ermete Novelli, Ermete Zacconi, Paola Borboni and many others.

Oratorio di Santa Cecilia
Valuable baroque theater with a central Greek cross plan, two orders of choirs and a domed roof, designed by Pietro Baglioni (1687-90). Annexed to San Filippo Neri by the Congregation of the Filippini, of which the adjacent complex was subsequently entrusted to the Accademia degli Unisoni. After decades of decay and abandonment it was restored and reopened to the public in 2001. It has excellent acoustics. Medieval houses and towers along Via Fratti.

Sala della Vaccara
Sala della Vaccara is on the north side of Palazzo dei Priori, on the site of the former church of San Severo. It was built around 1339 and it was seat of the first archive of the Municipality. It is a cross vaulted hall with ribs and houses segments of frescos on patron saints of commercial traffics and craft activities. On the back wall a fresco of Madonna with Child and saints painted by Tiberio di Assisi (Umbrian school XV Century).

Sala del Consiglio
On the first floor is the Comune council chamber (Sala del Consiglio comunale), where above the door is a lunette with a fresco by Pinturicchio, depicting the Virgin Mary between two angels. Also preserved is the original Pietra della giustizia ('stone of justice'), dated 1234, which was publicly displayed in the main square (Piazza IV Novembre). In its place, under the Logge di braccio, next to the cathedral, a copy can be seen.

Chiesa di Santo Spirito
The Church of Santo Spirito located in Piazza Perroni has a long and very famous history. Since the 60s it has been led by the kind and friendly Don Saulo who has allowed the Music Fest Perugia to hold classical music concerts.

Auditorium San Francesco al Prato
Among the most significant historical and artistic symbols of the city of Perugia and originally the custodian of numerous art masterpieces, the ancient Monumental Complex of San Francesco al Prato, dating back to the 13th century. It reopens to the public following a long and delicate structural restoration and functional adaptation that began in the mid-1990s and was finalized in 2024. The festival presented there in 2024 a highly successful "Rigoletto" to the public and the press acclaim.